The Unity of Diverse Culture

The Unity of Diverse Culture

By Olanrewaju Olamilekan.

Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth. So are the convictions of our founding fathers dated back to 1960, which in their undiluted affections, traits and dispensation fought tirelessly to earn the present day celebration of freedom.

Over the years the genuineness in freedom is felt across all realms and it becomes important to explain Freedom as “the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.”

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. This piece however tends to savor the eternal terms  battling reasoning faculty of an average Nigerian as we celebrate continuous ÌJỌBA ALÀGBÀDÀ, hence giving an average Nigerian a sense of owning up to our ideas, beliefs, customs and traditions over the years without being subjected to follow a path which doesn’t suit our soul interests.

For everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labour in freedom. Should there be a cause on this day to reiterate the sojourn of our founding fathers who struggled the cause to gain present day liberation and the jeopardy path upon which threatens the stability of our togetherness as a nation, hence it will be an obvious fact that tons of facts are to be scrutinized, taking into consideration the frustrated citizens.

Nelson Mandela in his words of wisdom postulates thus, “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

Rome was not built in a day. Despite the ordeals and challenges we are encountering as a nation which bring us to a check on our current day hullabaloo, the call made by an average demoralized Nigerian on the basis of life threatening issues which aims at slitting the unity of our dear country, ranging from security threats to economy’ imbalance which compelled fellow Nigerians not to see reasons to celebrate the developing state of dear country, which scores of individuals laments bitterly on, for the inability to protect tons of interests thus losing belief in her oneness over the years.

However  Maya Angelou explain the beauty of independence thus, “Independence is a heady draught, and if you drink it in your youth, it can have the same effect on the brain as young wine does. It does not matter that its taste is not always appealing. It is addictive and with each drink you want more.”

The more we tend to shy away from our natural responsibilities as a patriots of our dear country the more damage it turns on us, for it’s ours to build, protect and guide irrespective of the odd situations we found ourselves currently, to travel and become a refuge in another man’s land might seem noble but in honesty no place can be like one’s father land.

Apparently, today, everybody in my country is in one way or the other is contributing to the woes befalling us.

Yelling out for change isn’t the only way to effect that change but right from us we need to be realistic in the pursuit of our anticipated NIGERIA.

Until we practice the theoretical aspect of the constituted authority and ensure to pay due respect `to norms, ethics, regulations and laws safeguarding the reality of sane democratic state; we keep being on a spot.

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes” (who will guard the guards themselves?) The nation hasn’t  failed us, I hope when we start to see reasons to this we start to grow as a nation, believing in one Nigeria where Rule of law as propounded by A.V Dicey serves the basis of dealings between government, her citizens and within the space of our society, do remember until we correct the norms and be a better Nigerian we can never have the country of our choice, because when corruption which is eating deep into the minds of every Nigerian today favors a soul it’s jokingly referred to as connection, thus causing more havoc to the growth and development of us as a nation. When who you know surpasses what you can render.

We are free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it. In all nooks and crannies of our dear country we all have a role to play to have a better Nigeria; the question is how ready you are?

I will be rounding up this piece on a word of an elder state-man Bola Ahmed Tinubu who says “Though we might be different in tongues, tribes and religion but in brotherhood we stand”

Steaming from the afore discussed, it becomes expedient to emphasize that the unity of our dear county should be individuals’ priority, check ones act, and pray for a better Nigeria, for we don’t have any other land to go!

God Bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!

God Bless Her Citizens.